I’ve been going downhill again and I don’t even know why my family is pretty good I have 2 friends and a loving boyfriend. m never happy no matter what I do no matter what I buy or …
Continue readingAuthor: MrConfess
I have a fetish that desperately need to be fulfilled, but it’s so hard to find other females like me into my type fetish to try it out. Then when I find someone and start chat about it …
Continue readingIm 50 and my uncle has been acting real creapy and trying to get friendly and keeps coming up behind me when im doing dishes or something and trying to massage my shoulders which is really creaping me …
Continue readingMy friend is going through abuse and thinks no one cares for them. I’ve told them so many times I’m here but it’s no use. I have talked to my other friends about it but they said “Oh, …
Continue readingI am so scared about life. I chose a degree I love and now I am scared that I won’t get a job. I feel like a failure. Everything I think of the future it makes me want …
Continue readingI have no friends at the moment I’’m hanging out with some people but I don’t think they like me…
Continue readingMinu suur unistus täitus sellel aastal.Olen 22.aastane mees ja sain oma emaga vanaasta õhtul olla kahekesi kodus.Kui õues saluuti lasti,siis soovisin 52.aastasele emale head uut aastat ja suudlesin teda otse huultele.Mõne ajapärast olime toas ja suudlesime uuesti.Ema tundis …
Continue readingI have been recording my neighbor (girl) when she walks out from her bathroom.. Naked
And today I almost got caught red handed… And after that i m having a mixed feeling of continuing my sin or abandon …