Im 50 and my uncle has been acting real creapy and trying to get friendly and keeps coming up behind me when im doing dishes or something and trying to massage my shoulders which is really creaping me out. cause i can see his discusting intentions. What do you do with this kind of information? Theres not a soul i know, in my very large family, who has the ability to keep secrets and so i feel i cant share this information with anyone and so i came here cause i just wanted to get it off my chest cause Im grossed out. Ive thought about it and i dont want to tell my family cause that will upset my mum, shes 76 with a lot of health issues and so doesnt need the stress or her heart broken and neither do his kids (my cousins) so I have chosen to keep it to myself.
Thank you for listening x


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  • Hey as someone who was groomed and assaulted by someone who was supposed to be a father figure the best thing you can do is tell an adult you trust I know it's hard but everyday I regret not telling my mom. Your experience is Valid and even telling a trusted teacher or counselor can help♥️

  • Thanks, Bre, for helping the confesser.
    We appreciate that.
    As Bre shared, you can contact trusted members. But if there is no one, you can ask for help from any psychologist.
    We are thankful that you have at least shared your feelings here. We are always here for you.

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